- protexam tests -
for the health of your company

15.1 million 
employed people

in the USA (approximately 160 million in total) suffer from chronic illnesses. Those primarily affected are those aged 40 to 65.

1.7 billion working hours per year

are lost from work due to chronic illnesses.

About 60% 
of adults 

in the USA suffer from at least one chronic illness, and many of these people are no longer able to remain fully employed.

Massive absences from work due to 
chronic cardiovascular and kidney diseases are preventable!

The dramatic deterioration of the international healthcare systems is something everyone who depends on it experiences daily.

Early diagnosis and treatment before organ damage occurs are not part of the "sufficient" care provided by statutory health insurances. Despite this, late detection and treatment of cardiovascular and kidney diseases account for 50% of all healthcare costs.

Only early, timely detection — before organ damage occurs — can protect the health and independence of your employees, as well as safeguard your company from the consequences of inadequate healthcare.

The temporary or even permanent absence of your employees due to chronic cardiovascular and kidney diseases, compounded by the demographic challenges, can significantly impact your company’s competitiveness. But you can prevent this!

protexam’s disruptive proteome analysis can help prevent it! It's time to act!
The solution: p r o t e x a m check-up test for heart and kidney!
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